Suffer with me
Suffer with we
Who wrote our names in pain
And rose again
To write the word
To right the world
To see the light through the cracks
And the life on our backs
That bend and sway like the fruit of the baobab tree
Come, my friends, and suffer with me
Suffer with we
Who read stories from the skies
And lift voices that disguise
The paths to freedom for our eyes only
The wandering way to a home with no home
A cold shadow land where the
Echoes go to bounce back sound from
The source of a joyful plea
Come, my sisters, and suffer with me.
Suffer with we
Who laugh through our tears
And live through the fears
That would strangle our song
And yet we sing on
Of a river deep
Where our dark roots are planted and
sweet lilies grow tall
like the children we’ve loved and
lost to the sea.
Come, my brothers, and suffer with me.
Suffer with we
Who cry out in the night
And are blinded by lights
That would cripple our sight
But still we see the sun rising to
Eclipse the moon and we dance in the rays
That signal the day when our labor is done
And our bodies are free
Come closer.
And see.