Hello, my name is Bethany Bell…
…and this is my story. Every day I wake up grateful for another opportunity to live the life I’ve been given and to share the wonder of that life through words.
Writing, to me, is a gift. It is the joyful expression of the world as I see it written in black and white but filled with all the wonderful colors of the universe.
The part of the universe I currently inhabit is my “soul city” of Boston, Massachusetts. I relocated here after ending my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in March of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I had the privilege of serving in the Central-East African country of Rwanda teaching English in a secondary school for 18 months.
My origin story began in Arkansas where I was born and raised amongst the best family I could ask for. Many chapters later, I turned the page and found myself living in and falling in love with the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I have dubbed that place my ‘soul city; the place in this world where I feel most at home and most alive to the world. Boston is where my passion for baking was revived in earnest and where I initially decided to apply for the Peace Corps.
As the ink dried on that decision, I lifted my pen and set the point down again in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta gave me an unforgettable year of family bonding that I will cherish forever. It is also where this blog was written into existence.
So, here I am, making sense of the world one written word at a time. And, here you are, giving me the most precious gift of your time to make sense of it with me.
I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places, encourages you to try new things, and inspires you to tell your story, too.
Feel free to leave a comment or email me directly!